Discover the Importance of the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) and How Colombian Souls Surpasses 85 Points

Discover the Importance of the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) and How Colombian Souls Surpasses 85 Points


In the world of coffee, quality and excellence are crucial factors that distinguish an ordinary cup from an extraordinary one. One of the most respected and recognized organizations in the coffee industry is the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA). At Colombian Souls, we take pride in offering coffees that not only meet but consistently exceed the rigorous standards set by the SCA. Let's explore what the SCA is, the importance of its certifications, and how our coffees stand out for their superior quality.

What is the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA)?

The Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) is a global nonprofit organization representing thousands of coffee professionals, from producers to baristas and roasters. Its mission is to support a sustainable and high-quality coffee industry through education, research, and advocacy. The SCA sets strict standards to evaluate and certify coffee quality, ensuring consumers receive exceptional products.

The Importance of SCA Certifications

SCA certifications are a mark of quality that ensures a coffee has been assessed under stringent criteria. These include aspects such as flavor, aroma, acidity, body, and uniformity. To receive certification, coffees must be evaluated by professional cuppers in blind tastings, ensuring impartiality and accuracy.

Key reasons why SCA certifications are important include:

  1. Guaranteed Quality: Coffees certified by the SCA have undergone rigorous testing to ensure superior quality.
  2. Consumer Trust: Consumers can trust that certified coffees will provide an exceptional experience.
  3. International Recognition: SCA certifications are recognized and respected worldwide, enhancing the prestige of the brands that achieve them.
  4. Continuous Improvement: Certifications encourage continuous improvement and education in the coffee industry, benefiting all involved.

How Colombian Souls Surpasses 85 Points

At Colombian Souls, we don’t just meet SCA standards; we exceed them. Our coffees are meticulously selected from farm to cup, ensuring every bean meets the highest quality levels.

  1. Careful Selection: Each coffee bean is handpicked from the pristine landscapes of Colombia, from the heights of the Andes to the Amazon rainforests.
  2. Exceptional Processing: We use processing methods that preserve and enhance the unique characteristics of our coffee beans.
  3. Rigorous Evaluation: Our coffees are evaluated by professional cuppers to ensure every batch scores above 85 points on the SCA scale.

Educational Infographics on SCA

To help our customers understand the importance of the SCA and how it impacts the quality of the coffee we offer, we've created educational infographics. These infographics explain visually and accessibly:

  • What the SCA is and its mission
  • SCA's evaluation criteria
  • The certification process
  • Benefits of consuming SCA-certified coffees
  • How our Colombian Souls coffees consistently score above 85 points


At Colombian Souls, we are committed to excellence and quality. By understanding the importance of SCA certifications and how our coffees always surpass 85 points, our customers can enjoy each cup with the confidence that they are savoring one of the best coffees in the world. By exploring our educational infographics, we hope our customers will appreciate the hard work and dedication we put into every coffee bean. Don't settle for less; enjoy the true essence of luxury coffee with Colombian Souls.

We invite all our readers to explore our infographics and learn more about the SCA and the unparalleled quality of our coffees. Visit our online store and experience the luxury of Colombian Souls today!

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